Monday, October 22, 2007

Saturday 10-13 Row up Mon

First of all, please blame Anthea for the video quality. Second, watch how much water we are getting. Every stroke needs to be a full stroke. Imagine how many strokes you took that day. If you miss only an inch of water per stroke, how much water is that? We need to be lifting the hands into the catch, almost at 3/4 slide. I'm sure you've all heard of "backing it in." That is exactly what you should be doing. There should almost be a slight backing where the weight of a full blade of water builds up before you start the drive. It should feel heavier than you are probably used to. We must reduce the amount of missed water and that will become a focus going into these next two weeks of practice and regattas.


Unknown said...

I've only briefly experimented with "backing it in" and I know that I'm not very good at it, we did it last year at the tanks and it felt very awkward/wrong, almost like I was slowing down the boat significantly

I guess I'm not sure what my shoulder should look like from here but I can definitely see how/why my hands are wrong, will pay more attention to it

Unknown said...

I have been thinking about the backing it in procedure on and off so far this fall. I, like Brian, feel very strange when I do it. I think if we have some pieces where we concentrated on catch placement and Ben gave us feedback we could get enough confidence in it to do it regularly.