Thursday, August 30, 2007

Zach 8-28

There are two things that you need to work on. One problem is the same as Brian's with a bit of hesitation with the hands at the release. You then begin coming up the slide before your body gets forward. You need to get all of your body angle before you come up the slide. The other problem is the same as Chris' with the lack of connection. Your hands and body need to finish at the same time. Take a look at where your handle is when your legs are flat. Make the legs last long enough to power the handle into your body.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kinda creeped out that Blogger uses my google account without me knowing...

Anyway, this summer I concentrated on not opening my back to early on the drive, so I think that is why my arms are now finishing behind my legs. I was thinking of trying to speed up my arms in and out rather than slow down my legs, but I suppose its easier to slow down my legs and then speed everything up together when needed.